
Cutting-Edge Solutions
For A Growing Industry
At Hamill Agricultural Processing Solutions, we specialize in designing and manufacturing high-quality Controlled Environment Agricultural (CEA) harvesting and processing equipment.
Our harvesters and washers will reduce labor costs, maximize efficiencies and increase profitability. Available in a variety of infeed sizes and options. Suitable for microgreens, baby leaf lettuces, spinach, wheatgrass and more. ​
We understand the challenges of the CEA Industry and we are dedicated to providing growers with the best possible solutions. We are committed to supporting farms in their success so that they can be sustainable and profitable. ​​​
Visit Hamill Machine Company to see our manufacturing capabilities.
Manual Harvest
1 tray every 3 minutes
20 trays per hour
20 x 8 hours = 160 Trays /day
160 Trays per Day
Automated Harvest
1 tray every 3 seconds
1200 trays per hour
1200 x 8 hours = 9600 Trays / day
9600 Trays per Day
Within 6 months of harvesting, your investment has already paid for itself.
Get In Touch
Contact us today to discuss how we can help your savings grow!
4629 Bridge Street Niagara Falls Ontario, Canada
(905)354-2922 Extension 2